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Capistrano Beach, CA

Habitation Co. is committed to honoring the process of living in a particular place and the journey of discovering beautiful objects that reflect the unique styles and stories of artists around the world.  Every pretty item you purchase supports creative individuals, communities, and organizations on almost every continent.


How to Create An Eco-Friendly Spa Experience at Home

Hailey Fynaardt

By now, most of us realize that what we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in them, and if we are making a conscious effort to consume more holistic and high-quality ingredients, our skincare regimen should follow suit. But as demand for natural beauty products increases, so do our options, and finding a routine that works for us can often feel like a science experiment. To help you out with the overwhelm, here are a few simple tips for creating an eco-friendly spa experience at home:

1. Get natural... Ditch those drugstore purchases with ingredient lists you can't pronounce, especially since most of the chemicals listed are preservatives designed to give mass-produced products a longer shelf-life. Instead, look for  all-natural products made of pure, minimally-processed, and organic ingredients that pass on their naturally-powerful qualities to you. 

2. Deep clean... Start fresh by giving your space and your skin a good scrub by using simple, natural exfoliating products such as lemon juice and baking soda- a strong enough combo to take on the grime in your tub, yet gentle enough to use on your face for a refreshing, tingly-clean. 

3. Go green... Add leafy greens to your diet (at least two meals a day!) and bring a little bit of life indoors with a plant or two. Low-maintenance options like tillandsia (air-plants) and pothos do well with low light, or go faux if you don't want to worry about giving them light and water. Just like plants help filter and purify the air, while giving us the main thing we need to survive (oxygen!), they also help to cleanse and energize us from the inside, so don't be shy about spinach, kale, or heaping on leafy herbs like parsley and basil at your next meal. 

4. Just add water... Drinking more water throughout the day will help keep you refreshed and hydrated from the inside out. If plain ol' H2O doesn't do it for you, infuse a pitcher with fresh fruit (cucumber, citrus, and berries are always good bets) or herbs like mint or lavender to mix it up. 

5. Lighten up... Try swapping out your old, heavy towels for light-weight Turkish towels that are elegant and energy-efficient. These super-soft and quick-drying alternatives mean you'll never have to reach for a damp or dingy towel after your shower again. 

6. Wind down... Turn off harsh lights or even swap out bulbs for a softer effect, to make you feel less like you're in a laboratory and more like a serene spa. Plus, without bright lights amplifying every pore and blemish, you'll be less-tempted to pick and pluck at every "imperfection". 



shop the style: bohemian textiles and patterned pillows

Hailey Fynaardt

From fringe to vintage embroidery, when it comes to beautiful Bohemian-inspired decor, the secret lies in blending eclectic textiles and layers of colorful pillows. When mixing patterns and colors, there are a few tricks to keep in mind so that the space doesn't become cluttered and chaotic, or look like a Moroccan flea market exploded in your home... unless, of course, that's what you're going for. Below are a few great examples of modern Bohemian spaces that are full of personality without everything in the room competing for attention. 


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get the look:

Here are a few tricks to keep in mind when recreating a modern bohemian look at home:

1. Keep large pieces neutral - walls, large pieces of furniture, etc. should serve as your blank canvas for layering on color, texture, and pattern

2. add a touch of metallic sparkle with a mirror, side table, sculpture, or decorative piece

3. use sustainable and reclaimed natural materials like wood, leather, and woven baskets as much as possible

4. add a houseplant, or two, or 10... if you keep them happy and healthy, your plants will return the favor.

5. implement mulit-level seating so friends can recline as comfortably on a shag rug or floor pouffe, as they can on the couch. Can you smell the Moroccan mint tea??

shop the style:

How to Create a Simple Meditation Practice

Hailey Fynaardt

How to Create a Simple Meditation Practice // Habitation Co.

Meditation isn't new or unique to any particular culture or belief system, and it can take many forms ranging from movement to stillness, silence to singing. However, despite its role in our history, meditation rarely comes naturally to us, as we are increasingly consumed by our gadgets, commitments, and interconnectedness, it can be nearly impossible to disengage physically and mentally. But meditation has been proven to be a powerful tool for calming the mind and healing the body, and the best part is, it doesn't require any fancy tools or equipment to do it. Though if you are new to meditation or want to enhance your own practice, here are a few ideas for creating a meditation practice you enjoy:

1. Find a few minutes every day to turn off distractions and get quiet. For some people, first thing in the morning is the best time to clear their heads and prepare for the day. Perhaps you prefer to take a walk during your lunch break, or to meditate before bed. Find a time that works best for you and stay consistent. Try starting with just 10 minutes and work your way up. 

2. Keep your mind from wandering to your to-do lists, texts, emails, and other ways the world demands your attention. If writing is therapeutic for you, have a journal handy to write down a few sentences or words to focus on. If you need to physically move to focus, try yoga or walking while focusing simply on your breath or a prayer.

3. Use a few simple props to enhance your practice and trigger your senses into "meditation mode". This could be aromatic through the use of a candle or essential oils, taste through your favorite cup of tea, audibly through a simple bell chime blowing in the wind, or something you wear- such as a mala bead necklace that serves as a physical reminder of your intention. As you practice meditation, your mind will begin to associate these triggers with "quiet time" and will help you focus for those few precious moments. 

4. Breathe. Perhaps the most powerful meditation tool we have is entirely within us, our breath. By consciously slowing down and deepening our breath, we create physical space inside our bodies to clear away tension, stress, and stale energy. The best part is if you find yourself in need of a few moments of meditation while at work, on the road, or even in the shower- all you need to do is tune into your breath for a minute or two and take long, steady inhales and exhales. As you inhale, imagine filling your body up with oxygen, light, and a cooling sensation, and as you exhale, release the warm, old air and anything that no longer serves you. Breathing is the foundation of all physical movement and what sustains us subconsciously every day of our lives.